Import iRealPro songs

JazzForge allows you to access and edit your iReal Pro files, as well as explore thousands of publicly available themes on the internet.

Explore publicly available charts

Opening iReal

By using the app menu (☰) and selecting “Import iReal Pro song…”, you can search for a specific song by typing its name in the search bar. Preview the song by clicking on it, then click again or click the “Open” button to open it.

JazzForge also offers a vast selection of chord charts by accessing the main iReal Pro playlists, which include genres such as Jazz, Brazilian, Latin, Blues, Pop, and Country.

Open a song published in iReal Pro forums

Import from forums

If the song you want to view is not available in the main playlists of iReal Pro, it is likely someone has created and shared it on the iReal Pro forums. To find it, open your browser and go to the iReal Pro forums and search for the title you are interested in. You should find a link starting with “ireal://”. Copy the link and return to JazzForge, then click on “Import iReal Pro song…”. In the search bar, paste the copied link. The song or collection you copied should appear in the dialog box. Preview the song by clicking on its title and then open it by clicking the “Open” button.

As shown in the video to the left, you can see how to open the chord chart for the song “For a Thousand Years” by the great Pat Metheny.

Open a song edited with iReal Pro

Import from iReal

You can also export songs directly in iReal Pro to “iReal Pro format”. This menu command creates an html file that includes a link that you can copy and use in JazzForge. To do this, go to “Import iReal Pro song…” in JazzForge and paste the copied link in the search bar. The song you copied should appear in the dialog box.